Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Last Update Jan 23, 2025
Total Questions : 323 With Methodical Explanation
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Last Update Jan 23, 2025
Total Questions : 323
Last Update Jan 23, 2025
Total Questions : 323
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A company has an on-premises file server cbflserver that runs Windows Server 2019. Windows Admin Center manages this server. The company owns an Azure subscription. You need to provide an Azure solution to prevent data loss if the file server fails.
Solution: You decide to register Windows Admin Center in Azure and then configure Azure Backup.
Would this meet the requirement?
A company has an on-premises file server cbflserver that runs Windows Server 2019. Windows Admin Center manages this server. The company owns an Azure subscription. You need to provide an Azure solution to prevent data loss if the file server fails.
Solution: You decide to create an Azure Recovery Services vault. You then decide to install the Azure Backup agent and then schedule the backup. Would this meet the requirement?
A company is planning on deploying an application onto Azure. The application will be based on the .Net core programming language. The application would be hosted using Azure Web apps. Below is part of the various requirements for the application
Give the ability to correlate Azure resource usage and the performance data with the actual application configuration and performance data
Give the ability to visualize the relationships between application components
Give the ability to track requests and exceptions to specific lines of code from within the application Give the ability to actually analyse how uses return to an application and see how often they only select a particular drop-down value
Which of the following service would be best suited for fulfilling the requirement of
“Give the ability to correlate Azure resource usage and the performance data with the actual application configuration and performance data”
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